Why You Should Automate Your Home

Find best 10 certified electrician - Forum Topics - It’s easy to forget to adjust your thermostat before leaving for work. When you come back home, it can be too hot or too cold and you end up waiting for the temperature to adjust in an uncomfortable home.  With a home automation system, you can adjust the thermostat a few hours before heading home. Electrician services near me for inspections, repairs, installations, troubleshooting and free quotes. This also saves on money and energy and gives you a nice welcome after returning from a hard day’s work ..More

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Do LED Lights Attract Bugs?

Directory Of electrical inspection contractors - Repair & Service Forums - ” Wavelengths are measured in nanometers, and shorter wavelengths of light (less than 550 nanometers) can indicate ultraviolet (UV), blue, or green colors. Another point to remember about bugs is that certain types, such as mosquitoes, are attracted to heat and have thermal receptors to help them find it. Insect Vision: Ultraviolet, Color, and LED Light, Marianne Shockley Cruz and Rebecca Lindner from the University of Georgia’s Department of Entomology write, “Experimental work supports the idea that color perception exists in insects and that they are especially responsive to the shorter wavelengths of the visible spectrum and UV light. Cruz and Lindner also cite work that confirms the correlation between UV light from the sun and moon and how certain bugs navigate Earth. All of this information is helpful for determining why bugs flock to certain light sources. Buying Guide on products, parts and accessories for industrial products, low voltage wiring, code compliance, inspections, troubleshooting ..More

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