Forum Title: Electric shower heater..
Hey everyone! This is just a little clip I found today and it was kind of alarming to me! I know these heaters are used in some places overseas, BUT the way this one is designed, and what they ask for makes me really awry about this product..
Category: General Electrical Discussion Post By: Lional R. (West End, NY), 03/23/2017
I like the fact (not) that they give you a cord that has a 5-15P cap, but the pitchman tells you you'll need a 30 amp breaker. Are they suggesting that you replace a 15 or 20 amp breaker with a 30? Who has a 30 amp breaker feeding 10ga or 8ga wire on a circuit that includes 5-15R's? Or am I just old-fashioned and out of touch?

- Ronald D (Riverside, OH), 03/25/2017

Here is their site. Very misleading info, lets the average person think they can just plug it in. How many do you think will just go get a 30 amp breaker for their general lighting circuit? And what about that 5-15?

- Mark Baker (Boothbay Harbor, ME), 03/25/2017

I have a few issues with that unit. One thing is certain: it never saw even the shadow cast by a UL office! Others have raised this issues associated with the plug, and the size breaker required. Oddly enough, one MIGHT be able to argue that a dedicated circuit would fit under the 'exceptions' for using 25 amps as the ampacity of #12 - but if you're running a dedicated circuit, why not use the right plug? Arguments about the plug pattern aside, those molded-on plugs seem to be somewhat limited, even when subjected to loads under 10 amps. The connections within them are often quite poor - especially after a few dozen flexes of the cord. IF a hair dryer needs an 'immersion detector' in the plug, this gem really ought to have a GFI in its' plug. IMO. The flow is consistent with currently mandated 'low flow' shower heads; The attachment means bothers me. It appears that the unit cannot be installed, and have the shower head pointing in the right direction, without removing the stem (the bent pipe that usually supports the shower head), and installing an additional nipple. I see mo means to adjust the temperature. If there is one, and it has anything to do with the connection box - well, that box is but a NEMA-1 design. Just perfect for use in the shower (NOT!) My last worry is: Where to plug it in? I can't think of any shower I've ever used that had a receptacle anywhere near the shower head. Add to that the prevalence of shower doors (rather than curtains), and I see some real challenges to not resorting to the use of extension cords - another thing that has no place in the shower!

- Carrie Lawson (Casco (cdp), ME), 03/25/2017

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