Forum Title: LEED (Green) Buildings
Is anyone familiar with Electrical compliance for material in LEED Buildings? I am bidding a project that is requesting 20% compliance, certified. The compliance form, for the part that affect us, seems to be for products from recycled.. and manufactured within 500 miles, etc. Any links, advice, etc. would be appreciated. My biggest supply house is scratching their heads.
Category: General Electrical Discussion Post By: Bill Reeves (Hidden Hills, CA), 03/23/2017
Tell they all of your wire is recycled. That copper in it was stolen and sold several times before it was made into the wire you have.

- Joanne Garrett (Mizpah, MN), 03/25/2017

I've heard before that scrapped or recycled copper is almost never used for electrical wire, only for plumbing and other uses. Copper for wire has to be of a certain purity. Maybe it's just a rumor.

- Helen K (Robersonville, NC), 03/25/2017

Call your Lighting supplier he can put you on to LEED standards its things like motion sensors, light sensors, time clocks , photo cells, low wattage bulbs ect . Engery savings/Type in LEED standards on Goggle also Yoopers

- Nina Hardy (Dayton, MI), 03/25/2017

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