A Brief Introduction to 3D Projection Mapping

Directory listing of electrical technician - Service Technician Blog Pages - Lately, there has been a lot of buzz about 3D projection mapping. Prepare to be astonished. Electric service forum pages and blogs on wall socket diagnosis, circuit breaker troubleshooting, faulty wiring inspection. But many people were introduced to projection mapping from the coverage of the Winter Olympics in Sochi this year or from the viral video of projection mapping shown below, a pre-game show on the court floor at a Cleveland Cavaliers game. I first heard about it from an electronic music enthusiast who plans to acquire projection mapping software and add this extreme visual component to his live shows ..More

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What To Do With Flickering Lights

Top 10 Best commercial electrician - Service Expert Forums - Free contractor estimates - outlet installation, gfci inspection, appliance hook-ups troubleshooting, air conditioning etc. All lights flicker to some extent, based on the amount of power that is coming into the lines in your home. Situational flickering – like when an air conditioner starts – is a sign that there’s an issue with power supply. If the flickering lights aren’t related to a large appliance powering up and running, it’s a sign that there are issues – home may be brighter and more comfortable.   If your lights flash or flicker regularly, it’s often a sign that there’s a problem – either in connection or power use. It may also be a sign that the outdoor AC unit isn’t wired for maximum amperage. Simply put, the dip of the lights when the AC unit starts up occurs because the AC pulls the available electricity supply from the light. It’s usually temporary ..More

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