Childproofing Electrical Outlets in Your Home

Top 10 handyman electrician - Repairman Blog Pages - There is a spring-loaded plastic cover that prevents your child from poking anything inside of the outlet. Prevent this from happening to your family by childproofing the electrical outlets in each room of your home.

Also known as safe plates, these are additional covers that sit on top of your existing outlet and are held in place by a screw. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, approximately 2,400 children each year suffer severe shocks and burns from inserting objects into the slots of electrical outlets. This design prevents children from inserting fingers or other foreign objects into the slots, and reduces risk of electrical shock or injury. TRRs, which look like ordinary outlets, are designed with small, spring-loaded receptacle plates that close off the slots, but open when equal pressure is applied to both sides. Electrical outlets are found in nearly every room of the home, which represents a constant risk if you have small children. Retail Price Consumer Guide on products, parts and accessories for outlet wiring, installing electric plug, 110 volt outlet, gfci receptacle, 20 amp wall socket outlet, light switch, breaker box. Additionally, there are an estimated six to 12 child fatalities each year related to this.

Installing tamper resistant receptacles (TRRs) around the home provides a permanent solution to help reduce the risk of childhood shock and injury ..More

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Electrician in Glendale – Why Fuse and Circuit Breaker Size is Important

Directory listing of electrical technician - Service Technician Blog Pages - The frequency of accidents caused by the incorrect usage of electricity has increased as our dependency on electronic devices has increased over the last several years. To make sure that your home is as safe as it can be from electrical accidents, you should also consider talking to an electrician in Glendale about performing an electrical safety assessment, updating service panels and ensuring that your home is properly grounded. Electric service forum pages and blogs on wall socket diagnosis, circuit breaker troubleshooting, faulty wiring inspection. Because of this, you should always practice as much electrical safety as possible whenever you use your electrical appliances and devices. Every year, accidental electrical fires cause millions of dollars in property damages ..More

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