Forum Title: excavation
There is a truck mounted tool for excavation that uses pneumatic pressure in conjunction with suction to remove dirt from around gas pipelines and such. Anyone know the name of it, and if there are small versions to be rented?
Category: General Electrical Discussion Post By: Dennis C (Ewing, IL), 03/23/2017
Try Vactor ( Looks like they're all truck mounted, though. Pretty slick machines.

- Anna (West Hibbard, KS), 03/25/2017

It's called day lighting , potholing or Hydro Vacing.Most major area's have a company that does this either on their own or as part of an excavation company. I see the utilities around here using them more than backhoes now to open up their underground installed services.One of the bigger companies in North America is called Badger Daylighting. Doing a search on Hydrovac brings up lots of companies. I think that United Rentals also rents small units you can tow behind you but you have to find a place to dump the spoils as all the dirt/mud will not fit back into the hole.

- Frances X (Farmington, PA), 03/25/2017

Yes I see United Rentals in the Midwest has towable ones, but none out here in Arizona. The guy at United here hadn't heard of them.

- Jay Mccoy (Ferguson, PA), 03/25/2017

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